How to Sell Crypto on Binance

How to Sell Crypto on Binance

Turning Crypto into Cash: How to Sell on Binance

Binance, a popular cryptocurrency exchange, provides various methods to sell your crypto holdings and convert them into fiat currency (such as USD or AED). Here’s a detailed guide on the available methods:

Selling via Spot Market

  1. Navigate to the “Buy Crypto” section on the Binance website and select the “Sell” tab.
  2. Choose the cryptocurrency you want to sell and the fiat currency you want to receive.
  3. Enter the amount of crypto you want to sell or the amount of fiat currency you desire.
  4. Select a sell order type: limit order for a specific price or market order for immediate execution.
  5. Review the details and confirm the transaction. The crypto will be sold, and the corresponding fiat currency will be credited to your Spot Wallet.

Selling with Credit/Debit Card (Limited Regions)

  1. This option allows you to directly sell crypto for fiat currency and have it transferred to your credit/debit card (availability depends on your region).
  2. Go to “Buy Crypto” and select the “Credit/Debit Card” option.
  3. Choose “Sell” and select the crypto and fiat currency involved.
  4. Enter the amount and follow the on-screen instructions to link your card and complete the transaction.

P2P Trading

  1. Binance P2P allows peer-to-peer trading directly with other users.
  2. Post an advertisement specifying the crypto you want to sell, your preferred fiat currency, and your desired price or exchange rate.
  3. Other users can respond to your ad and initiate a trade. Binance acts as an escrow service, holding the crypto until the buyer completes the payment. Once you confirm receiving the funds, the crypto is released to the buyer.

Choosing the Right Method

  • Spot Market: Ideal for quick selling and accessing a wider pool of buyers. Prices might fluctuate slightly.
  • Credit/Debit Card (Limited Regions): Convenient for immediate conversion to fiat currency on your card, but may incur higher fees.
  • P2P Trading: Offers greater control over pricing and can be cheaper, but requires finding a suitable buyer and waiting for the transaction to complete.


  • Cryptocurrency markets are volatile. Research current prices before selling.
  • Binance charges fees for transactions, so factor them into your calculations.
  • Always ensure you’re selling on the official Binance platform to avoid scams.

By following these steps and choosing the method that best suits your needs, you can successfully sell your cryptocurrency on Binance and convert it into fiat currency.

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