Generous Emirati Businessman Gheyath Mohammad Gheyath Donates Dh5 Million to Support Mothers’ Education Campaign

Generous Emirati Businessman Gheyath Mohammad Gheyath Donates Dh5 Million to Support Mothers' Education Campaign

In a noble act of philanthropy, Emirati businessman Gheyath Mohammad Gheyath, owner of the GINCO Group, has generously contributed Dh5 million to the Mothers’ Endowment campaign. This campaign, launched by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, is a remarkable initiative with a mission to honor mothers globally by supporting the education of millions.

The Mothers’ Endowment campaign, part of a Dh1-billion fund, aligns with the holy month of Ramadan. Organized by Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, it echoes the UAE’s commitment to aid communities and vulnerable populations around the world. This initiative represents not just a tribute to mothers but also a step towards empowering future generations through education.

Gheyath Mohammad Gheyath, in expressing his support for the campaign, highlighted the value of this initiative in the broader context of the UAE’s humanitarian efforts. “Supporting the education of millions is no doubt the best gift to give our mothers,” he said, emphasizing the campaign’s role in fostering a better future for young generations and contributing to the sustainable and comprehensive development of communities.

The campaign offers multiple channels for donations, inviting both institutions and individuals to participate in this noble cause. Contributions can be made through the campaign’s website,, or via a dedicated call center at the toll-free number 800 9999. Bank transfers in UAE dirhams can also be made to a specific account number at Emirates Islamic Bank.

For those who prefer digital platforms, donations can be made by sending an SMS with the word “Mother” to various numbers for Etisalat by e& users. Additionally, the DubaiNow app features a “Donations” tab for convenient contributions, and the community contributions platform Jood ( is another option for donating.

This substantial donation from Gheyath Mohammad Gheyath is a testament to the spirit of giving and social responsibility deeply rooted in the UAE’s culture. It underscores the importance of collective efforts in addressing global challenges and the vital role of education in shaping a better future. As the campaign gathers momentum, it continues to reflect the UAE’s enduring commitment to humanitarian causes and community development across the globe.

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