UAE Announces Fuel Price Hike for April 2024

UAE Announces Fuel Price Hike for April 2024

The UAE fuel price committee, in its latest announcement on Sunday, has set new fuel prices for April 2024, marking a noticeable increase from the previous month. The revised pricing structure indicates a surge in the cost of various fuel types including Super 98 petrol, Special 95, E Plus 91, and diesel, reflecting changes in the global oil market and economic factors.

In the upcoming month, Super 98 petrol will see a rise in its price, going from Dh3.03 a litre in March to Dh3.15 a litre. This increase represents a notable shift for consumers, particularly those who rely on this fuel grade for their vehicles. Similarly, Special 95 petrol, another commonly used fuel type in the UAE, will also experience a price jump from Dh2.92 a litre in March to Dh3.03 a litre in April.

Additionally, E Plus 91 petrol, which is often a choice for budget-conscious drivers, will now be available at Dh2.96 a litre, up from Dh2.85 a litre in the previous month. This increase, while relatively smaller, still adds to the overall rising trend in fuel costs.

In contrast to the rising prices of petrol, diesel will see a slight decrease in its cost. The new price for diesel in April 2024 will be Dh3.09 a litre, a marginal drop from Dh3.16 a litre in March. This reduction, albeit slight, might offer some relief to businesses and individuals who depend heavily on diesel for transportation and operations.

These new fuel prices in the UAE are reflective of the dynamic nature of the global oil market. Factors such as geopolitical developments, supply and demand dynamics, and economic policies play a significant role in determining fuel prices. The adjustment in prices each month is a common practice, aiming to align the domestic fuel market with international oil prices.

For residents and businesses in the UAE, these changes in fuel prices necessitate adjustments in their monthly budgets. The increase in petrol prices could have a ripple effect on transportation costs, affecting daily commutes and logistics operations. Conversely, the slight drop in diesel prices might offer some respite, particularly in sectors that rely on diesel-powered machinery and vehicles.

As the UAE continues to navigate the complexities of the global oil market, these monthly price announcements remain a crucial indicator for consumers and businesses alike, helping them plan and adapt to the ever-changing economic landscape.

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